Saturday, 29 June 2019

The Wilderists are still alive and well.... and painting!

You may have heard the rumour, that the Wilderists were no longer! And yes, in a sense, Wilderists Inc. no longer is incorporated as a group, but the Wilderists still are out there, painting and exploring.... we haven't gone away! It's just that formalities don't really suit us! And we seemed to get bogged down a bit.... so in the idea of FREEDOM, we disbanded the formal group and just still do stuff together.....

These days, we set a destination and head off there and see what happens.... our most recent day away painting and being inspired was to Ganguddy (Dunn's Swamp) for a prowl about....

 A pristine day on the water.... a mirror surface and as clear as glass.... frosty morning but a bright sunny day!

 This is such a wonderful place.... the energy is clear and soft, gentle and all encompassing....

 The vistas between the trees of that silent lake, golden reeds and distant blue hills.... sweet!

A painter's dream....

"Nature is abstract" Exhibition of Art at Buzzbar Mortdale

Calling all artlovers and outback explorers! Our wonderful group of outback artists that like wild places are having an exhibition in a ne...